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Inner Collisions—First Version Unviewed—First Version Daydreamy Ambush—First Version Tracings—First Version

… it came with a gloaming wind which swayed stretched canopies and spreaded uncold colours in the air grey and cold and smiling bitterly it came sailing upon wind waves while he walked sadly alone icy and mocking to kill slowly it came to follow him far...

Partimmo all’alba, in silenzio, nel vento umido e freddo, sotto il cielo grigio di nubi. Oltre l’Ohio ci addentrammo fra le querce, i castagni e i noci antichi e giganteschi, a cui si frammischiavano pioppi, ciliegi, aceri e sicomori. La foresta era buia,...

Once, while he was desperate and cried, he wrote the following words… «… looking out into the mirror for her, beloved as never before, a smile on her face, so sweet, she looks into my eyes, and I say words of love to her, and she smiles sadly without...